Saturday 3 July 2010

RA councillors beware!

Many Auriol residents want to have to opportunity to kick out unpopular RA councillor Robert Leach - but will he even get on the ballot to allow them to do so?

1 comment:

  1. Rosemary Najim23 July 2010 at 10:06

    Astonishing to read, in Ewell Village RA news letter today,that the council decided to '"get ahead of the game" and implement a package of service changes and revenue generating measures...charges for Blue badge holders..closure of public toilets...relocation of Cox day centre..." and that this has allowed them to "maintain core services for the next year at least"
    I don't think those who will suffer from these changes will see it as " a game" and the statement shows a lack of insight into what might be thought of as "core services" by the public. These are changes that will make life very hard for some members of the community!!
