Tuesday 27 July 2010

Our only truly independent councillor

For decades the Residents' Association group of councillors have told local residents that they are a grouping of independents. They are, of course, no such thing. The RAs are a local political party and whip their councillors into following the party line. The party line has proved terribly unpopular recently with budget cuts that have hit the most vulnerable rather than targetting excess, waste and inefficiency.
Christine Howells was elected in 2005 as a Residents' Association councillor. Until earlier this year she sat as a member of their group. When the RAs pushed through plans to abolish free parking for blue badge holders she resigned from the group and became an independent.
At last week's council meeting she proved what a true independent she is. In a moving speech Christine attacked the RA group's policies. Expressing real sadness at the direction they had chosen to take she pointed out that there were many areas of waste and subsidy that should be targetted before introducing cuts that hit the vulnerable. Christine stated that RA councillors had failed to listen to residents and that her former colleagues should not be acting as if they were proud of themselves, they should be ashamed.
It just so happened that I was called to speak after Christine. I commended her for her brave and intelligent comments. I have no doubt that it is a difficult and unpleasant experience having to leave one's political group. Christine has shown that it can be done with true intergrity and dignity. Whatever the RAs may say she is the council's only true independent and I look forward to her future contributions in the council chamber.

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