Sunday 15 February 2009

Senior Residents' Association Councillor joins Conservatives

Nigel Petrie MBE, County Councillor for Epsom & Ewell North East and Borough Councillor for Nonsuch ward has joined the Conservatives.
This weekend thousands of leaflets were delivered across his county divison informing his residents of his decision.

Nigel has served on the Borough Council for 22 years and is a former Mayor of Epsom & Ewell. He has served on Surrey County Council for 8 years.

Nigel has commented, " I consider the best way for me to achieve the things we want for our community is as a member of the Conservative Party. It is vitally important that we challenge the Labour Party as it flounders over the economic crisis, and give a boost to the national campaign by backing the Conservatives."

Chris Grayling, our Member of Parliament, has commented that Nigel " has a long track record of public service in the area, and he will now be able to play a much more direct role in making sure that the County Council looks after the interests of Epsom & Ewell as part of its ruling group."

As the leader of our council group in Epsom & Ewell I am delighted that Nigel is joining us. He is the third most senior councillor in the Borough and he is a good common sense politician who cares deeply about the area he represents. Nigel, like so many in Epsom & Ewell, has come to the conclusion that the Conservatives, not the Residents' Associations, offer the best future for the Borough.

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