Friday 20 August 2010

Mass RA resignations

Yesterday's Epsom Guardian carried a letter from Mr & Mrs Beeken, residents of Auriol ward. It reads as follows:

I have today informed Councillor Leach that my wife and myself no longer wish to
be members of the Residents' Association due to his efforts against the
disabled. This is not about money but more the treatment of people who are in a
far worse position than us. In next year's elections we will both be voting for
one of the main party candidates and we urge others to do the same. My wife
Marian and I have lived at this address for more than 30 years.

So even the RAs own members don't agree with their current path under the leadership of Councillor Robert Leach. It seems that Mr & Mrs Beeken are not alone. An examination of the statement of accounts submitted to the Electoral Commission by Stoneleigh & Auriol RA shows that between 2008-2009 that particular RA lost over 400 members. A massive drop.
At that last election the RAs secured, for the first time ever, less than 50% of the vote. It seems their decline continues.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

RA internal warfare continues

It seems that the domestic strife the RA movement is currently suffering is set to continue, with much dirty linen being aired in public. Bill Slaughter has to be commended from standing up to RA councillors when other local RA chairmen keep quiet and therefore implicitly give their support to what RA councillors are doing.

The letter below was sent by Bill to the Epsom Guardian. If RA councillors won't listen to the pleas of their own activists what chance do local residents have of having a listening council?