Wednesday 16 December 2009

How they voted on Freedom for PWRR

At yesterday evening's Full Council we debated giving the Freedom of the Borough to our local regiment the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment. We were debating whether we should send the matter to a Special Council meeting (the only place where the decision to confer the Freedom can be made). Quite brilliantly we won the vote by 16 to 13. I commend the Liberals and rebel members of the RA group who made that possible. I list how everyone voted below. Those who voted against being against granting the Freedom.
Bradley (RA, Ewell), Buxton (Lib, Court), Carlson (Lab, Court), Jones (Lib, College), Keen (Con, Ruxley), Kelly (Lib, Town), Lees (Lib, Stamford), Morgan (Lib, Court), Morris (Lib, College), Pavey (Lib, Stamford), Petrie (Con, Nonsuch), Pontin (Con, Ruxley), Sanger (RA, Stoneleigh), Sullivan (Con, Woodcote), Taylor (Lib, Stamford) and C. Wood (Lib, Town).
Arthur (RA, Ewell), Dallen (RA, Town), Dudley (RA, Cuddington), Jay (RA, West Ewell), Leach (RA, Auriol), Long (RA, Auriol), Mann (RA, Cuddington), Reed (RA, Ewell Court), Richardson (RA, Woodcote), J. Smith (RA, Ewell Court), Smitheram (RA, West Ewell), Steer (RA, West Ewell), Woodbridge (RA, Ewell)
Foote (RA, Cuddington), Howells (RA, Nonsuch), R.Smith (RA, Stoneleigh), Winkworth (RA, Stoneleigh), D. Wood (RA, Nonsuch)
Not present:
Cass (RA, Woodcote), Key (Lib, College), Kington (RA, Ewell Court)
The Mayor Cllr Jan Mason (RA, Ruxley) excused herself from chairing the meeting as she considered herself to have a personal and prejudicial interest in that her son-in-law is a member of the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment.